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We have one goal in mind:
Deliver value—fresh innovative ideas to keep your company moving forward.
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Today’s business landscape changes at the speed of light forcing leaders to constantly be at the top of their game. Every interaction with the customer provides an opportunity to win or lose the customer. As a result, the customer chooses who they will do business with. IntelliThink LLC was founded on creative thinking and structured innovation to help you, our customer, increase the speed and urgency of your business, decrease your business risk and grow your company value.
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[av_team_member name=’Patrick Shore’ job=’Chief Innovator’ src=’https://www.intelli-think.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/pshore.jpg’ attachment=’58’ description=’Patrick Shore brings more than twenty-five years of experience in defining, designing and implementing fresh ideas with results. His background includes solving critical business needs for small and large companies in strategic planning, technology, leadership development, innovation and product development, and workforce readiness.
Patrick brings tremendous energy and innovative thinking to the customer. Outside-the-Box thinking is his beginning point. When you need to rethink and reposition, Patrick is the guy you want in your corner
[av_team_icon title=’Facebook’ link=’https://www.facebook.com/patrick.shore.18?fref=ts’ link_target=” icon=’ue8f5′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
[av_team_icon title=’LinkedIn’ link=’https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=568859′ link_target=” icon=’ue8fc’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
[av_team_member name=’Jodi Livengood’ job=’Innovation Director’ src=’https://www.intelli-think.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/jlivengood.jpg’ attachment=’59’ description=’Jodi Livengood brings more than eight years of experience in defining, designing and implementing fresh ideas with results. Her background includes using her critical thinking skills in business analysis, business process improvement, research and discovery, and structured innovation to define and solve critical business needs.
Jodi brings a fresh new look at every business opportunity. She helps you understand the type customer experience required to make your customers want to do business with you. And, more important, how that transfers into business plans for loyal customers.
[av_team_icon title=’Facebook’ link=’https://www.facebook.com/jodi.livengood?fref=ts’ link_target=” icon=’ue8f3′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
[av_team_icon title=’LinkedIn’ link=’https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=41760586′ link_target=” icon=’ue8fc’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
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[av_team_member name=’Lee Goss’ job=’Innovation Director’ src=” attachment=” description=’Lee Goss brings more than twenty-five years of experience in defining, designing and implementing fresh ideas with results. His background includes solving critical business needs using his technical experience, business analysis skills, and innovative thinking to help you position your company and system infrastructure to excel.
Lee brings a solid foundation in technology that enables him to help you navigate the technology maze. Lee is a structured thinker, the person you want making sure everything is buttoned up and ready to work.
[av_team_member name=’Ben Cascio’ job=’Innovation Director’ src=” attachment=” description=’Ben Cascio brings more than twenty years of experience in defining, designing and implementing fresh ideas with results. His background includes starting a business from the ground up, strategic planning, leadership development, organization planning, and results management.
Ben brings real-world experience to each engagement. He has been there and done that. He helps you understand what is needed to be successful – then puts your plan in place to achieve it.
[av_team_member name=’Chris Herbst’ job=’Business Development’ src=” attachment=” description=’Chris Herbst brings more than fifteen years of hands-on experience in running successful small business operations. He has experience in starting a business, running a business and selling a business. He knows what a business owner goes through on a daily basis.
Chris has a passion to reach out and help business owners and leaders build a strong, profitable business. He likes to share his tips, tricks and traps he personally encountered so you do not have to.